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Found 231 results for any of the keywords a tiler. Time 0.010 seconds.
Cre8tive Tiling, your tiling service in East Grinstead, Sussex and SurCre8tive Tiling of East Grinstead are pleased to offer apprentiships. If you think you may want to learn more about the oppurtunites in becoming a tiler, please feel free to call Cary at Cre8tive Tiling on 07802 280 056
Tiles Industry Experts | The Tile Association (TTA) UKThe Tile Association (TTA) represents ALL aspects of the wall and floor tiles industry in the UK, from manufacture to installation. Find out more today.
Accessories and products to compliment our Victorian floor tiles | LonMapei adhesive, Mapei grout, Lithofin sealant, Lithofin cleaner, Marble tread, Granite tread, Daisy Grate, Ventilation Grills, Coal hole covers
Mapei adhesive and grout | London MosaicHigh quality adhesive and grout for tile installations.
Coal hole covers | London MosaicReproduction cast iron coal hole covers.
Colours and shapes | Geometric ceramic tile range | London MosaicThere are 32 colours in our range encompassing traditional and contemporary shades. Shapes include: squares, rectangles, triangles, octagons, hexagons, and round edge.
Daisy grate ventilation grille | London MosaicCast aluminum reproduction Victorian ventilation grilles in a variety of sizes.
Marble and granite | London MosaicHard wearing step treads and risers made to order from marble and granite.
Tile sealing, cleaning and restoration products | London MosaicHigh quality impreganting sealants, and products for the maintenance of ceramic tiles.
Victorian floor tiles on sheets | Sheeted mosaic floor tiles | LondonSheeted tiles enable the installation of multiple tiles in one application. At London Mosaic we have applied this principal to our range of geometric floor tiles.
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